“If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.”
--Che Guevara

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Minimum Wage

My mother used to be a social worker in Detroit, Michigan. She worked with mentally handicapped and legally insane people. There was this story she once told me, of a man she worked with. He was mentally disabled, and working as a cashier at McDonald's, earning minimum wage. He had a young daughter. On his salary, he couldn't support himself or his daughter. It was the best job he could possibly work.

It is our belief that society should ensure every human being can support themselves and their family. Corporate America would hoard all the wealth, leaving none for those who work themselves to death trying to make a few cents. Of course, if there is no money there would be no wealth, and so no one would be rich or poor. Everyone would be able to support themselves, so no one would live in poverty. The minimum wage would be enough to live on, for everybody.

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