“If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.”
--Che Guevara

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Six dead, fourteen others injured in Arizona shooting

Yesterday a gunman in Tucson, Arizona, shot twenty people. Six of them died. Their names are Gabriel Zimmerman, age 30, Dorothy Murray, age 76, Dorwin Stoddard, age 76, Phyllis Scheck, age 79, US District Judge John Roll, age 63, and Christina Greene, age 9. Tragedy is printed in blood red ink on every article about these killings.

But this was no random act of violence. Jared Lee Loughner, age 22, was specifically targeting Gabrielle Giffords, a Democratic Congresswoman from Arizona's eighth congressional district. Loughner shot Giffords in the head at point blank range. Doctors say the bullet passed through the left side of her brain and exited, leaving her critically injured but alive. She is currently conscious and able to use basic nonverbal forms of communication. Let us hope that she is able to make a full recovery and return to her seat in the House of Representatives.

We must never forget that, while there are those who condemn violence, there are those who revel in it. The Westboro Baptist Church (not in any way affiliated with any other branches of the Baptist Church) has decided to take signs saying things like, “Thank God for the Shooter-6 dead!” and, “God sent the shooter to shoot you!” It is people like this that sometimes make us doubt the wisdom of having freedom of speech. But we must pay them no mind, their numbers are few and if we give in to their hate-mongering and openly hate them back we will only encourage them.

What strikes me as odd is that Giffords is only injured and doctors are as optimistic as the situation allows for her recovery, yet the headlines say, "Gabrielle Giffords shot," not, "Six, including 9 year old, killed." While Giffords is a Congresswoman and is needed in our capital, who knows what young Christina Greene would have become. Maybe, had she lived longer than 9 years and 4 months, she'd have cured cancer. Maybe she'd have become a paramedic and saved people's lives. Maybe she'd be President someday, if her heartbeat hadn't been cut short.

We should all try and ease the pain of the victims and their families. Maybe send a check if you can spare the money. It's capitalist, I know, but one cannot deny that money makes this world work. A better idea might be to write a sincere, heartfelt card to the one of the victims or one of their family members. They need to know that they do not stand alone. If you cannot do anything, then convince someone else to do something.

I feel there is nothing more I can say on this matter, so I shall end this post by saying something that you have long ago gathered. This is a terrible, terrible thing and we should all do everything in our power to make sure nothing like it happens again.


  1. I live in tucson, i drove right by the safeway before the helicopters landed, and right when the ambulances were leaving.(this was before they closed part of the road) I'm not in to polotics, but giffords seems okay. i saw her about a month and a half ago when she came to my high school. And i think, if any polotician is that down to earth.. to go to high schools, and to stand in front of a grocery store and just talk with people, they don't deserve to be shot in the head. I just wanted to say, thank you for the blog. more people need to know about this. the westboro baptists will be in for quite the riot if they try anything here. hopefully, your god can save her life. she must have a gaurdian angel.

    have a nice day. -Amsra

  2. Well written, and I second your thoughts. Thank You for sharing.
